5 Grape Seed Extract Benefits: Backed By Scientific Research

5 Grape Seed Extract Benefits: Backed By Scientific Research

Grape seed extract, a natural compound derived from grape seeds, has been gaining significant attention in health and wellness, and for good reason. Backed by rigorous scientific research, this powerful extract offers a multitude of benefits that can enhance your overall health and well-being. From its antioxidant properties to its potential cardiovascular advantages, this natural supplement can become a valuable addition to your daily regimen, helping you live a healthier life.

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, finding natural solutions to support our health is becoming increasingly important. Grape seed extract is no stranger to this, with studies showcasing its potential to address various health concerns. In this article, we uncover five grape seed extract benefits that can empower you to take charge of your well-being and embrace a more balanced lifestyle.

 1. Grape seed extract can reduce oxidative damage

An increased presence of LDL (commonly known as ‘bad’) cholesterol in the bloodstream is a recognized risk factor for heart disease. This risk escalates substantially when LDL cholesterol undergoes oxidation, a process that plays a central role in the development of atherosclerosis, the accumulation of fatty plaque within the arteries. Grape seed extract dietary supplements have demonstrated their ability to mitigate LDL oxidation in various animal studies when exposed to high-fat diets. Several human research studies have also yielded similar findings.

For instance, in one study involving eight healthy individuals who consumed a high-fat meal, those who took 300mg of grape seed extract experienced a significant inhibition of fat oxidation in their blood, as opposed to a 150% increase observed in those who did not use grape seed extract. Additionally, a study involving 87 individuals preparing for heart surgery revealed that taking 400mg of grape seed extract the day before the procedure led to a notable reduction in oxidative stress, suggesting that grape seed extract may provide protection against further heart damage in such cases. 

2. It can improve skin, nails, and hair appearance and enhance wound healing

Grape seed extract has shown the potential to improve skin appearance and enhance wound healing, as supported by both animal and human studies. In a study involving 35 healthy adults who had undergone minor surgery, participants were divided into two groups: one received a 2% grape seed extract cream, while the other received a placebo. Those who used the cream experienced complete wound healing in just eight days, whereas the placebo group took 14 days to achieve the same result. This accelerated healing is likely attributed to the high levels of proanthocyanidins found in grape seed extract, which stimulate the release of growth factors in the skin.

Furthermore, in an 8-week study with 110 healthy young men, the application of 2% grape seed extract cream led to notable improvements in skin appearance, elasticity, and sebum content. These enhancements can contribute to reducing the visible signs of aging, showcasing the potential benefits of grape seed extract in promoting skin vitality and health.

For hair, grape seed extract is believed to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, promoting healthier hair follicles and potentially encouraging hair growth. Its rich concentration of antioxidants helps combat free radicals that can damage hair cells and contribute to hair loss. In addition, the proanthocyanidins in grape seed extract have been linked to strengthening hair shafts and reducing hair breakage. 

When it comes to nails, grape seed extract’s high polyphenol content contributes to their overall strength and resilience. It may help prevent common nail problems like splitting and brittleness, making nails less prone to damage. By improving blood flow to the nail beds and delivering essential nutrients, grape seed extract can support the growth of healthier and more attractive nails. 

3. Grape seed extract protects your liver

The liver, a vital organ responsible for detoxifying the body from various harmful substances like drugs, viruses, pollutants, and alcohol, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Grape seed extract has emerged as a potential protector of liver health, offering notable benefits.

Studies have shown that grape seed extract has the capacity to reduce inflammation, recycle antioxidants, and protect against damage caused by free radicals, particularly during exposure to toxins. A pivotal marker of liver health is the enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which tends to increase when the liver sustains damage. In a specific study involving 15 individuals diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and elevated ALT levels, grape seed extract was administered for a duration of three months. Over this period, the participants’ liver enzymes were closely monitored, and the results were compared with a group taking two grams of vitamin C daily. Remarkably, the group receiving grape seed extract witnessed a significant 46% reduction in ALT levels, while the vitamin C group exhibited minimal changes. All in all, these show the potential of grape seed extract in safeguarding liver function and health.

4. It prevents skin cancer

As mentioned, grape seed extract contains proanthocyanidins – which exhibit the potential to prevent cancer development. This is backed by a study that sheds light on grape seeds’ properties in mitigating the severity of skin cancer. The study’s findings led to the conclusion that extracts from grape seeds have the potential to be valuable in mitigating the adverse effects of UV-induced damage to human skin. The protective qualities of proanthocyanidins are believed to stem from several routes, such as altering cytokine activity to counteract immunosuppression.

5. Grape seed extract helps reduce cardiovascular diseases

Grape seed extract is rich in antioxidants. This holds the potential to protect blood vessels from damage, potentially serving as a preventative measure against high blood pressure. A study underscores the remarkable antioxidant capabilities of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract, surpassing the effectiveness of Vitamins C, E, and β-carotene. This finding highlights the potency of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in protecting against oxidative stress-related vascular damage. But while it may reduce systolic blood pressure and heart rate, it is important to note that grape seed proanthocyanidin extract is not considered effective in reducing lipid levels, like cholesterol, in the bloodstream.


The science-backed benefits of grape seed extract are not only impressive but also uniquely enriched when considering the exceptional quality of AMIHEM’s product. With a remarkable >99% polyphenol content, including the potent proanthocyanidin as the active ingredient, our grape seed extract is a top-tier choice for enhancing your health and overall well-being.

What sets AMIHEM apart is the origin of our single-ingredient formulations in our extracts, which hail from the fertile soils of Kerala, India. This region has a rich tradition dating back 5000 years in Ayurvedic healing, where grape seed extract has held a prominent position. Honoring grapes as ‘Drakshaa Phalottamaa’ in Ayurveda, grapes are revered as the best among all other fruits, making our grape seed extract a testament to both ancient wisdom and modern scientific validation. With AMIHEM, you can confidently embrace the benefits that grape seed extract offers, knowing that it is rooted in a time-tested tradition of wellness and supported by cutting-edge research. Explore AMIHEM’s range of 100% natural, plant-based supplements today, including grape seed extract capsules, Spirulina capsules, and Ashwagandha extract capsules in Singapore, and experience the best that nature and science have to offer.    



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